Personalized Therapeutic Solutions
Discover tailored solutions to enhance your oral health and well-being.
Comprehensive Myofunctional Therapy Program
This daily consistent exercise program is made to set you up for permanent change and not a quick fix that will be having you revert back to old unhealthy habits.
This is the most popular option that is chosen by most. This is where the highest level of success is seen in treating disfunction. Comprehensive therapy is made for addressing multiple areas of dysfunction at once, which most clients are in need of.
We meet once a week over video and go over new exercise movements for the week ahead along with celebrating your progress. After the first two months we start to spread out our sessions as you gain understanding and consistent habits. Most of the work is done in the first 8 weeks leaving the other 8 months
Small changes can make a big impact.
For those that have very specific concerns that require limited efforts to achieve correction, this is a great approach.
Common areas where this focused approach is successful would be someone who is having a tongue tie release, decrease TMJ/jaw pain, or sleep support with sleep appliance, snoring and c-pap wearers.
Program made just for age 2-5
I have parents reach out knowing something is just not quite right and not getting the answers or solutions they are seeking. This is likely what brought you here.
Under age 5 a child typically is not ready for a a structured myo program and does better with short burst of fun play. We meet virtually and come up with a plan that’s right for your child. This will then be followed up by meeting once a month or quarterly. The goal is to make sure we are not just watching a concern get worse, but rather achieving progress towards health.
This program relies heavily on the parent and their involvement. You as a caregiver are taught ways through play to engage and interact with movement creating a foundation in setting them up for success or possibly for more focused help in the future.
Common concerns at this age that can be supported is a tight tongue attachment, mouth breathing, tongue resting out of the mouth, lack of oral muscle tone, restless sleep, bed wetting, choking and textures and lots more.
Schedule your 15 minute complimentary consultation now